

主演:约翰·艾伦·尼尔森 John Allen Nelson/乔安妮·凯莉 Joanne Kelly/玛格丽塔·莱维瓦 Margarita Levieva/约翰·帕特里克·阿梅多利 John Patrick Amedori/温明娜 Ming-Na/吕蓓卡·盖哈特 Rebecca Gayheart/葛尔·哈罗德 Gale Harold

导演:Mimi Leder 编剧:Josh Berman


人间蒸发主演:约翰·艾伦·尼尔森 John Allen Nelson/乔安妮·凯莉 Joanne Kelly/玛格丽塔·莱维瓦 Margarita Levieva/约翰·帕特里克·阿梅多利 John Patrick Amedori/温明娜 Ming-Na/吕蓓卡·盖哈特 Rebecca Gayheart/葛尔·哈罗德 Gale Harold, 《Vanished》讲述的是寻找Sara Collins的故事。Sara Collins是参议员Jeffrey Collins的妻子。因其离奇失踪,联邦调查局着手调查。以Graham Kelton为首的联邦探员拨开层层迷雾,探寻失踪案的真相。在寻找Sara 的过程中,几乎所有的涉案人员都因心中隐匿的秘密而成为嫌疑人,而诸多秘密也渐渐水落石出。这件失踪案究竟隐藏着何等秘密,联邦探员能否顺利找回议员妻子。
The FBI examines various crimes all somehow relating to the kidnapping of Sara, U.S. senator Jeffrey Collins's second wife, from Atlanta. First FBI special agent Graham Kelton is in charge, who proved his value in a previous kidnapping case but was traumatized for life by its ending, costing the life of his own son Nathan, takes charge, but quickly finds he's not just dealing with ransom-thieves but facing a complex conspiratorial web involving the senator's crucial political role, notably in judge Wallace Rainer's presidential nomination to the Supreme Court, his first wife Jessica Nevins, their teenage children Max and Marcy, and probably even Nathan's kidnapper-murderer. After Graham's murder in the line of duty, well-connected Special Agent Danny Lucas, dropped from the top, proves as competent and tenacious but faces new, mysterious complications.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Vanished S01E06 HDTV XviD-LOL [neet4me]
2019-05-12 Vanished S01E05 HDTV XviD-LOL [Muffins]
