Plot Summary:Series of fiction depicting the Civil War of Spain, lived on the Portuguese side and seen through the eyes of the Raians, from some real cases occurred in the summer of 1936, in the border area near Barrancos, Mourão and Campo Maior.
Pedro Hestnes,Nuno Ferreira,伊内斯·德梅代罗斯,路易斯·米格尔·辛特拉,Canto e Castro,Isabel de Castro,Henrique Viana,Luís Santos,Manuel João Vieira,Sara Breia,José Eduardo,Ana Otero,Pedro Miguel,米格尔·费尔南德斯
José Guardiola,Isabel de Castro,Ángel Jordán,Francisco Piquer,Carmen de Ronda,Luis Induni,Carlos Ronda,Miguel Fleta,Emilio Fábregas,José Rodríguez de Acosta,Eugenio Testa,Consuelo de Nieva,Antonia Manau,Mabel Rolan,Mercedes Monterrey